Badge: Slice of Life Fan

Number of Slice of Life anime seen

Rank Earn XP Required Users Completion %
Rank 1 50 10 9203 50.20%
Rank 2 100 20 6184 33.74%
Rank 3 250 30 4560 24.88%
Rank 4 500 50 2812 15.34%
Rank 5 1000 75 1762 9.61%
Title Genres
#126 367
#127 367
#128 363
#129 362
#130 358
#131 357
#132 355
#133 355
#134 355
#136 354
#137 352
#138 351
#139 349
#140 349
#141 348
#142 346
#143 345
#144 345
#145 342
#146 341
#147 338
#148 338
#149 336
#150 327

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