- Users: We removed 340 accounts in one day to solve the Duplication issue.
- Badges: Because of this, we lost 10,000 badges!
- XP: Aaaaand because of this, we went down 7.500.000 XP in total.
- User Profile: The Update Button turns now into a countdown when being clicked.
- Changelog: Admin is now able to put out Admin Notifications on the Version Pages.
- Website: Some Visual Aspects of Hovering.
- Website: Statistics page is now live!
- Amadeus: Handling of User Removals is also being logged now.
- Website: Minor Visual changes on buttons and fields.
- Badge: Moved Ecchi to Genre section
- Badge: Moved Psychological to Themes section
- Badge: Renamed Romantic Subtext to Love Status Quo
- User Profile: The Filter part is now more modern.
- Website: Username Changes caused duplicated accounts.
- Back-End: Some Database Queries were too heavy, this is now optimized.
- Website: Ranking Numbers were not accurate on the Ranking pages.
- Website: Firefox had some Styling issues and is solved now.
- Badges: User and Completion Rate were not correct.