Badge: Training Episode Fan

Number of Anime with 9 to 13 episodes seen

Rank Earn XP Required Users Completion %
Rank 1 50 10 16552 90.44%
Rank 2 100 20 15958 87.20%
Rank 3 250 30 15238 83.26%
Rank 4 500 50 13715 74.94%
Rank 5 1000 75 11988 65.50%
Title Genres
#9026 127
#9027 127
#9028 127
#9029 127
#9030 127
#9031 127
#9032 127
#9033 127
#9034 127
#9035 127
#9036 127
#9037 127
#9038 127
#9039 127
#9040 127
#9042 127
#9043 127
#9044 127
#9045 127
#9046 127
#9047 127
#9048 127
#9049 126
#9050 126

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